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Results 1 - 7 of 7
  1. 1992
    Native woman diagnosed with HIV becomes educator
    Lisa Tiger, Muscogee Creek/Seminole/Cherokee, is diagnosed with HIV. She traces the infection to a boyfriend ...
  2. 1975
    Native American medical students organize
    The Association of Native American Medical Students, an organization representing Native American graduate ...
  3. 1940
    Rosebud Tribe in South Dakota appoints health committee
    The Rosebud Sioux Tribe in South Dakota appoints a health committee, a model that other tribes soon ...
  4. 1899
    Henry Crow Dog II is born
    Henry Crow Dog II will become a traditional medicine man of the Lakota. Despite the individual land- ...
  5. 1896
    Doctor consults medicine men to counter tuberculosis
    James R. Walker, the agency physician assigned to the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, finds ...
  6. 1889
    First American Indian woman graduates from medical school
    The Omaha healer Susan La Flesch (later Picotte) graduates from the Woman’s Medical College of Pennsylvania. ...
  7. 1889
    Yavapai doctor advocates for Indian self-determination
    The Yavapai doctor Carlos Montezuma (who was named Wassaja, “gathering” or “beckoning,” at birth) graduates ...