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Antiquity Origins Today, all tribes tell stories of their origins. There are as many creation stories as there are tribes, ... |
40,000–10,000 BC Homelands Contemporary Native peoples from many nations teach that they originated in their traditional lands. ... |
AD 400 Marquesan Islanders sail north to Hawai‘i People from the Marquesas Islands arrive in the Hawaiian Islands and settle there but continue to sail ... |
AD 1200 Tahitian settlers in Hawai‘i set up social classes Led by chief-priest Pa‘ao, Tahitian settlers in the Hawaiian Islands set up a stratified society of ... |
AD 1400 Tahitians control trade routes Tahitians, sailing double-hulled canoes, take over the oceanic trade routes between Hawai‘i and Tahiti. |
1758 The first Hawaiian monarch is born Kamehameha is born to Chief Keouakupuapaikalaninui and Chiefess Keku‘iapoiwa. In 1810 he will become ... |
1779 Future Hawaiian king meets British explorer Kamehameha, the 25-year-old future monarch of Hawai‘i and nephew of King Kalani‘opu‘u of the Big Island ... |
1804 Epidemic strikes Kamehameha’s warriors on O‘ahu As King Kamehameha prepares to attack the island of Kaua‘i from his base on O‘ahu to expand his influence ... |
1806–07 Famine devastates the Hawaiian islanders of Maui Maui Natives suffer from drought and famine. No rain falls from October 1806 to April 1807. Plants, ... |
1810 Kamehameha I unifies the Hawaiian Islands King Kamehameha I, also known as Kamehameha the Great, is the nephew of Kalani‘opu‘u, the former king ... |