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1957 Celilo Falls fishery, village destroyed by Dalles Dam Five years earlier, the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers began building the Dalles Dam spanning the Columbia ... |
1968 Oil found in Prudhoe Bay; Alaska Native claims delay pipeline Atlantic Richfield Oil Company announces the discovery of enormous gas and petroleum reserves in Prudhoe ... |
1969 ‘Indians of All Tribes’ group occupies Alcatraz Island A group of 78 Indians calling themselves Indians of All Tribes lands on Alcatraz Island in San Francisco ... |
1970s Salmon sold for cash in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Commercial sale of salmon creates a cash economy in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta region for the first time. ... |
1971 Native Hawai‘i movement protests eminent domain Native Hawaiian residents of Kalama Valley on the east side of O‘ahu resist eviction to protest the ... |
1972 Native Hawaiian group calls for reparations from U.S. Aboriginal Lands of Hawaiian Ancestry (ALOHA) demands reparations from the U.S. for the overthrow of ... |
1976 First annual Indian arts and crafts festival held The Miccosukee invite artists from the Cherokee, Haudenosaunee Six Nations, the Mississippi Choctaw, ... |
1976 Dr. Noa Emmett Aluli among Hawai‘i’s ‘Kaho‘olawe Nine’ Dr. Noa Emmett Aluli is one of four Native Hawaiian doctors who graduated in the first class of the ... |
1978 ‘Longest Walk’ draws attention to American Indian concerns Several hundred American Indian activists and supporters march for five months from San Francisco to ... |
1980 Maine Indians settle land claims against U.S. President Jimmy Carter signs the Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act. Maine tribes, including the Passamaquoddy, ... |