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Results 1 - 10 of 32
  1. Antiquity
    Today, all tribes tell stories of their origins. There are as many creation stories as there are tribes, ...
  2. 40,000–10,000 BC
    Contemporary Native peoples from many nations teach that they originated in their traditional lands. ...
  3. 1806–07
    Famine devastates the Hawaiian islanders of Maui
    Maui Natives suffer from drought and famine. No rain falls from October 1806 to April 1807. Plants, ...
  4. 1810
    Kamehameha I unifies the Hawaiian Islands
    King Kamehameha I, also known as Kamehameha the Great, is the nephew of Kalani‘opu‘u, the former king ...
  5. 1819
    Hawaiian queen lifts kapu, or taboos
    Before the arrival of Europeans in the 18th century, an extensive system of taboos, or kapu , regulates ...
  6. 1820s
    Commercial agriculture and whaling transform Hawai‘i
    As foreign agricultural businesses gain control of more of the Hawaiian Islands, converting land for ...
  7. 1841
    Native Hawaiian workers mistreated on sugar plantations
    Anglo-American businessmen begin to shift the native agricultural economy to a plantation system of ...
  8. 1848
    Hawaiian monarch divides land; paves way for foreign ownership
    King Kamehameha III institutes the Great Mahele, or land division, which destroys the ahupua‘a (the traditional ...
  9. 1893
    Businessmen call on U.S. military to invade Hawai‘i
    Members of the Annexation Club accuse Queen Liliu‘okalani of being a “revolutionary” against Hawai‘i. ...
  10. 1898
    U.S. annexes Hawai‘i; seizes land; suppresses healers
    The U.S. annexes Hawai‘i and seizes royal and government lands. Launching aggressive assimilation policies, ...
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