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Results 1 - 10 of 16
  1. Antiquity
    Today, all tribes tell stories of their origins. There are as many creation stories as there are tribes, ...
  2. 40,000–10,000 BC
    Contemporary Native peoples from many nations teach that they originated in their traditional lands. ...
  3. 13,000–10,000 BC
    Asiatic peoples reach Alaska
    Anthropologists currently believe that Asiatic peoples migrated across Ice Age land bridges from eastern ...
  4. 200 BC
    Arctic hunters make ingenious boats and gear
    Native peoples master hunting sea mammals in difficult Arctic waters by developing sophisticated boats ...
  5. 1872
    General Mining Act gives rise to the taking of tribal lands
    President Ulysses S. Grant signs the General Mining Act into law, allowing individuals and corporations ...
  6. 1890
    Native population plunges
    In the U.S., Native population falls to an all-time low. The 1890 census records 237,196 Native people— ...
  7. 1898
    Canneries deplete salmon catch for Alaska Natives
    Along Alaska’s coastline, 55 canneries are in operation. Most refuse to employ Alaska Natives, instead ...
  8. 1906
    Allotments take land from Alaska Native villages
    In the Alaska Native Allotment Act, the U.S. Congress establishes strict regulations about which Alaska ...
  9. 1942
    Alaska Highway constuction disrupts extended families
    Facing the loss of traditional ways and limited employment opportunities, many Alaska Natives relocate ...
  10. 1952
    Cold War brings construction jobs to Alaska Natives
    The military starts construction of the Distant Early Warning System across the Arctic. Many Alaska ...
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