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1817 U.S. frontier advances, pushing Native peoples westward All along its western border, the U.S. presses for more land to accommodate the expanding nation. To ... |
1813 Tecumseh’s vision of unity dies; U.S. invades northwest tribal lands While the British colonel Henry Proctor and his troops, including some American Indians, retreat into ... |
1812 War of 1812 breaks Tecumseh’s resistance Tecumseh and his followers ally with the British as the War of 1812 (1812–15) begins. Tecumseh negotiates ... |
1812 Cherokee and Choctow hope for long-term U.S. alliance As the U.S. and Britain fight the War of 1812 on fronts from Mexico to Canada, tribes seek strategic ... |
1811 Tecumseh’s War begins at Tippecanoe in Indiana As tensions rise in Indian Territory, which now includes Indiana and Ohio, the U.S. decides to launch ... |
1805 Tenskwatawa and Tecumseh call for unity among tribes With the Shawnee under siege, fragmented, and dispersed, Lalawithika has a spiritual revelation that ... |
1794 Battle of Fallen Timbers opens Northwest Territory to settlement President George Washington assigns General “Mad” Anthony Wayne to build several forts between the Ohio ... |
1790s Indian nations unite to fight American expansion The United Indian Nations of the Old Northwest fight the establishment of military forts and settlements ... |
1789 The Northwest Ordinance guarantees tribal land rights Congress ratifies the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, creating the first organized territory of the United ... |
1783 The Peace of Paris ignores Native peoples’ rights The Peace of Paris, the set of treaties (Treaty of Paris and the Treaties of Versailles, 1783) that end ... |