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1966 Alaska Federation of Natives established to speak with one voice A statewide conference of more than 400 Alaska Natives, representing several regional associations, ... |
1964 Great Alaska Earthquake levels Alaska Native villages On March 27, the Great Alaska Earthquake, also known as the Good Friday Earthquake, destroys the Alaska ... |
1964 Formal training and salary for physicians’ aides Village “chemoaide” program begins training Alaska Native volunteers living in remote villages to help ... |
1964–75 42,000 Native men and women serve in Vietnam During the Vietnam War, more than 42,000 American Indians and Alaska Natives join the U.S. armed forces. ... |
1961 Alaska Native organizations unify; call for federal recognition of rights Three regional Alaska Native organizations—the Alaska Native Brotherhood, the Dena Nena Henash, and ... |
1959 Congress mandates clean water, sanitary sewers for reservations Congress authorizes the Public Health Service to provide clean drinking water sources and waste disposal ... |
1958 Alaska Native land claims complicate Alaska statehood Alaska becomes the 49th state in the United States. With statehood comes a federal mandate to specify ... |
1957 Congress funds hospital, clinic construction on reservations Congress appropriates funds for grants to tribal communities to construct hospitals to serve Indians ... |
1957 First ‘Gold Book’ report on Indian Health is published The Indian Health Service issues the “Gold Book,” its first annual report to Congress about its efforts ... |
1955 The BIA joins campaign against tuberculosis The U.S. Public Health Service, Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), and the government of Alaska undertake ... |