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Results 1 - 7 of 7
  1. 1997
    Alaska Native consortium provides medical care, sanitation facilites
    The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, the largest tribal-run health care organization in the U. ...
  2. 1975
    Native American medical students organize
    The Association of Native American Medical Students, an organization representing Native American graduate ...
  3. 1968
    Government trains midwives for remote villages
    Congress establishes the Alaska Community Health Aide Program to train health workers for remote villages ...
  4. 1964
    Formal training and salary for physicians’ aides
    Village “chemoaide” program begins training Alaska Native volunteers living in remote villages to help ...
  5. 1945
    Ship carries medicine, doctors to southeast Alaska
    The Territorial Department of Health uses the ship the M/S Hygiene to deliver medical services to isolated ...
  6. 1922
    Radio connects remote Alaska villages to medical advice
    The U.S. Signal Corps establishes a radio network to link Alaska Native villages with doctors and nurses ...
  7. 1910
    Territorial hospital just for Alaska Natives opens
    In Juneau, the Territory of Alaska's Bureau of Education opens the first hospital specifically for Alaska ...