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2009 H1N1 flu mortality four times higher among American Indians The 2009 H1N1 influenza virus infects American Indians and Alaska Natives, with overall death rates ... |
2003 Traffic accidents kill many American Indians under age 44 The Indian Health Service reports that American Indians/Alaska Natives are two to four times more likely ... |
1997 Diabetes called greatest threat to American Indians since TB Congress creates the Special Diabetes Program for Indians, due to the disease’s emergence as one of ... |
1992 Native woman diagnosed with HIV becomes educator Lisa Tiger, Muscogee Creek/Seminole/Cherokee, is diagnosed with HIV. She traces the infection to a boyfriend ... |
1990 Congress told Alaska Natives are a population at risk The Alaska Native Commission delivers a final report to Congress about the situation of Alaska Natives. ... |
1989 Alaska Natives more likely than other Alaskans to die young The Alaska Federation of Natives releases “The AFN Report on the Status of Alaska Natives: A Call for ... |
1980s Drunk driving a leading cause of early death Among young American Indians and Alaska Natives, drunk-driving accidents, suicide, and violent crime ... |
1979 Diabetes at epidemic numbers in American Indian communities Nearly 17 percent of American Indians and Alaska Natives have diabetes—the highest age-adjusted prevalence ... |