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2004 The National Museum of the American Indian opens On September 21, the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian opens to the public to celebrate ... |
2003 Dr. Noa Emmett Aluli appointed to Kaho‘olawe Island Reserve Commission Hawai‘i’s legislature appoints Dr. Noa Emmett Aluli to the Kaho‘olawe Island Reserve Commission. The ... |
1999 Financial grants promote research on Indian health The Native American Research Centers for Health introduces grants to promote health research in American ... |
1998 Federal records begin to track Native Hawaiian health The U.S. Office of Management and Budget changes its standards of racial and ethnic reporting in federal ... |
1997 Diabetes called greatest threat to American Indians since TB Congress creates the Special Diabetes Program for Indians, due to the disease’s emergence as one of ... |
1993 President Clinton apologizes for 1893 overthrow of Hawaiian monarchy President Bill Clinton signs legislation apologizing for the U.S. role in the 1893 overthrow of the ... |
1992 Responsibility for Indian Health care acknowledged but not funded Amendments in the fourth reauthorization of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act of 1976 reaffirm ... |
1992 Congress affirms Native Hawaiian Health Care Improvement Act Congress reauthorizes the Native Hawaiian Health Care Improvement Act of 1988, which established the ... |
1991 Federal scholarship supports Native Hawaiians studying medicine U.S. Senator Daniel K. Inouye helps establish a federally funded Native Hawaiian Health Profession Scholarship ... |
1990 Congress acts to promote, preserve Native languages The U.S. Congress, which once tried to suppress and eradicate American Indian languages, reverses course ... |