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2008 Supreme Court slashes Exxon Valdez oil spill damages The U.S. Supreme Court cuts the damages that Exxon is required to pay for the Exxon Valdez oil spill, ... |
2003 Dr. Noa Emmett Aluli appointed to Kaho‘olawe Island Reserve Commission Hawai‘i’s legislature appoints Dr. Noa Emmett Aluli to the Kaho‘olawe Island Reserve Commission. The ... |
1996 Court recognizes land rights of Venetie Tribe of Neetsaii’ Gwich’in Indians The Village of Venetie, which is accessible only by air, levies a tax on users to maintain its rudimentary ... |
1996 Suit claims longstanding U.S. mismanagement of Indian land leases A class action lawsuit filed by 300,000 American Indians claims that the United States has mismanaged ... |
1980 Maine Indians settle land claims against U.S. President Jimmy Carter signs the Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act. Maine tribes, including the Passamaquoddy, ... |
1976 Dr. Noa Emmett Aluli among Hawai‘i’s ‘Kaho‘olawe Nine’ Dr. Noa Emmett Aluli is one of four Native Hawaiian doctors who graduated in the first class of the ... |
1957 Celilo Falls fishery, village destroyed by Dalles Dam Five years earlier, the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers began building the Dalles Dam spanning the Columbia ... |