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1769 Spanish missions crush traditional cultural ways Spain establishes Mission San Diego, the first of 21 missions built along the coast of California. The ... |
1766 Armed Russian fur traders massacre Unangan (Aleut) The Russian trader, Ivan Solovief, arms his workers to murder Unangan (Aleut) men, women, and children ... |
1762 The Unangan (Aleut) resist Russian occupation Unangan (Aleut) rebuff the Russian merchant Stepan Glotov. A group of armed Unangan men attacks a party ... |
1758 The first Hawaiian monarch is born Kamehameha is born to Chief Keouakupuapaikalaninui and Chiefess Keku‘iapoiwa. In 1810 he will become ... |
1745 Russians enslave Unangan (Aleut) people Russian traders violently coerce Unangan (Aleut) men to trap beaver and other fur-bearing animals. The ... |
AD 1680 The pueblos revolt in New Mexico Pueblo people revolt against their Spanish oppressors. The pueblos, led by the religious leader Popé ... |
AD 1675 Metacomet assassinated; King Philip’s War begins In the Northeast, colonists are aggressively encroaching on Wampanoag land and trying to establish settlements. ... |
AD 1661 Spain raids kivas; outlaws the pueblos’ beliefs The Spanish colonial governor of New Mexico and Catholic priests suppress the belief systems of the ... |
AD 1644 England declares war on the Powhatan Chiefdom Virginia, now a colony of the English crown, commits royal troops to defeat the Powhatan Chiefdom. The ... |
AD 1638 Puritans force Quinnipiac onto the first reservation Puritans near what is now known as New Haven, Connecticut, establish the first reservation. They force ... |