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Results 1 - 10 of 21 for "Hawai‘i"
  1. 1918–19
    ‘Spanish Influenza’ claims millions of lives
    ... across the U.S., including the territories of Hawai‘i and Alaska, sustain staggering death rates. Some communities ...
  2. 1903
    Hawai‘i suffers first dengue epidemic
  3. 1901
    Tuberculosis hospital established in Honolulu
    In Hawai‘i, Le‘ahi Hospital is opened on O‘ahu, primarily for tuberculosis care. ... Hawai‘i
  4. 1900
    Honolulu destroyed in ‘The Great Fire’
  5. 1899
    Bubonic plague diagnosed in Honolulu’s Chinatown
    ... diagnosed with the bubonic plague, the Territory of Hawai‘i’s Board of Health declares a state of ... C. B. Wood, Board of Health, Territory of Hawai‘i
  6. 1895
    Cholera epidemic arrives in Hawai‘i
  7. 1889
    Father Damien dies of leprosy
  8. 1874
    Father Damien comes to Kalawao leper colony
    The Kingdom of Hawai‘i's Board of Health places patients with leprosy in segregation on the island of Moloka‘i, providing supplies but ...
  9. 1874
    King Lunalilo’s will provides care for Hawaiians in need
  10. 1866
    Hawaiian leprosy patients sent to Moloka‘i Colony
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