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Results 1 - 6 of 6
  1. 1887
    U.S. subdivides reservation land; sells off surplus
    Congress passes the General Allotment Act, better known as the Dawes Severalty Act, which divides reservations ...
  2. 1886
    Apache armed resistance ends; Geronimo surrenders
    Goyathlay, a powerful Apache leader, also known as Geronimo, hands his rifle to a U.S. general in surrender. ...
  3. 1872
    General Mining Act gives rise to the taking of tribal lands
    President Ulysses S. Grant signs the General Mining Act into law, allowing individuals and corporations ...
  4. 1870
    Education promised to tribes is funded
    Congress earmarks the first federal funds for the education of Indians. Education, like health care, ...
  5. 1861–65
    Tribes react to the American Civil War
    Although most Indian tribes remain neutral in the conflict, some American Indians join Union or Confederate ...
  6. 1851
    Congress creates reservations to manage Native peoples
    The U.S. Congress passes the Indian Appropriations Act, creating the reservation system. The government ...