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Results 1 - 10 of 13
  1. 1775
    Smallpox strikes again in North America
    As the American Revolution begins, epidemic smallpox spreads across North America, killing hundreds ...
  2. 1763–64
    Britain wages biological warfare with smallpox
    The British give smallpox-contaminated blankets to Shawnee and Lenape (Delaware) communities—an action ...
  3. 1761
    First known influenza pandemic from the Americas begins
    Influenza is one of the diseases that Europeans brought to the New World. Unlike previous influenza ...
  4. 1755–56
    Smallpox sweeps through northern British colonies
    Epidemics of smallpox and measles strike in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, and ...
  5. 1721
    Inoculations save some from smallpox
    During a smallpox epidemic in Boston, Dr. Zabdiel Boylston inoculates (purposefuly infects) his son and ...
  6. AD 1639
    Smallpox epidemic disrupts the Huron Nation
    Smallpox halves the population of the Huron Indians in what is now known as southern Ontario, Canada, ...
  7. AD 1620
    English Pilgrims settle on Wampanoag land
    Pilgrims settle at what is now known as Plymouth, Massachusetts, on Cape Cod near the abandoned village ...
  8. AD 1616
    Yellow fever kills two-thirds of the Wampanoag
    European traders carry yellow fever to the Wampanoag Nation, located on the Atlantic coast between what ...
  9. AD 1616–19
    Smallpox decimates northeastern Native peoples
    Smallpox infects traders along the coast of what is now known as New England, and the illness spreads ...
  10. AD 1520–62
    ‘Virgin-soil’ epidemics devastate Native populations
    “Virgin-soil” epidemics sweep through populations with no prior exposure to a particular infectious ...
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