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Results 1 - 10 of 21
  1. 1819
    Congress pays missionaries to ‘civilize’ American Indians
    Congress appropriates $10,000 to pay what it calls people of “good moral character” to help the U.S. eliminate ...
  2. 1851
    Congress creates reservations to manage Native peoples
    The U.S. Congress passes the Indian Appropriations Act, creating the reservation system. The government ...
  3. 1887
    Indian Affairs Commissioner bans Native languages in schools
    Commissioner of Indian Affairs J. D. C. Atkins first bans instruction in Native languages as well as ...
  4. 1886
    Apache armed resistance ends; Geronimo surrenders
    Goyathlay, a powerful Apache leader, also known as Geronimo, hands his rifle to a U.S. general in surrender. ...
  5. 1887
    U.S. subdivides reservation land; sells off surplus
    Congress passes the General Allotment Act, better known as the Dawes Severalty Act, which divides reservations ...
  6. 1889
    Yavapai doctor advocates for Indian self-determination
    The Yavapai doctor Carlos Montezuma (who was named Wassaja, “gathering” or “beckoning,” at birth) graduates ...
  7. 1897
    Indian boarding schools teach manual labor
    Commissioner of Indian Affairs William A. Jones questions the potential of Indian students to compete ...
  8. 1934
    Commissioner calls for religious freedom for American Indians
    Commissioner of Indian Affairs, John Collier, issues a circular on American Indian religious freedom, ...
  9. 1944
    National Congress of American Indians established
    The National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) is founded. A generation educated in off-reservation ...
  10. 1953
    Congress seeks to abolish tribes, relocate American Indians
    Congress passes a resolution beginning a federal policy of termination, through which American Indian ...
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