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Results 1 - 6 of 6
  1. 1938
    Reservation doctor finds safe trachoma treatment
    An English doctor working for the Bureau of Indian Affairs at the Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota ...
  2. 1935
    Tuberculosis vaccine tested on American Indians
    American Indians are invited to enroll in an experimental study to determine the effectiveness of a ...
  3. 1925
    American Indian TB deaths outpace general population
    Tuberculosis mortality in 1925 is 87 deaths per 100,000 in the U.S., in general. Among American Indians ...
  4. 1924
    Federal campaign targets trachoma
    The Office of Indian Affairs launches a campaign against trachoma, a serious bacterial eye infection ...
  5. 1923
    Tuberculosis identical among patients of different races
    The National Tuberculosis Association issues a paper stating that “tuberculosis attacks without racial ...
  6. 1921
    Trachoma rises among American Indians
    Trachoma, a serious bacterial infection of the lining of the eyelids, is a leading cause of blindness. ...