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Results 1 - 10 of 13
  1. 2003
    Traffic accidents kill many American Indians under age 44
    The Indian Health Service reports that American Indians/Alaska Natives are two to four times more likely ...
  2. 1997
    Diabetes called greatest threat to American Indians since TB
    Congress creates the Special Diabetes Program for Indians, due to the disease’s emergence as one of ...
  3. 1990
    Congress told Alaska Natives are a population at risk
    The Alaska Native Commission delivers a final report to Congress about the situation of Alaska Natives. ...
  4. 1955
    Alaska Native health responsibility shifts to Indian Health Service
    The Bureau of Indian Affairs transfers responsibility for Alaska Native health care to the Indian Health ...
  5. 1942
    Unangan evacuated, interned during WWII
    After Japan bombs Dutch Harbor, Alaska, in the Aleutian Islands, the U.S. Army evacuates more than 800 ...
  6. 1917
    More Indians are born than die
    For the first time in 50 years, more Indians are born than die, as federal appropriations for medical ...
  7. 1915
    Schools must keep children healthy, Commissioner states
    American Indian parents grow anxious about the safety of sending their children to government boarding ...
  8. 1914
    Tuberculosis quarantine advised on reservations
    Office of Indian Affairs physicians urge Indian agents on reservations to quarantine Native persons ...
  9. 1909
    Despite quarantine, TB spreads in student populations
    Faced with continuing high rates of tuberculosis among Native students in boarding schools, the Office ...
  10. 1903
    Overcrowding, poor ventilation contribute to deaths in boarding schools
    Indian boarding schools are built hastily or adapted from existing barracks, and officials bring Native ...
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