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Results 1 - 6 of 6 for "Hawai‘i"
  1. 1806–07
    Famine devastates the Hawaiian islanders of Maui
  2. 1810
    Kamehameha I unifies the Hawaiian Islands
    ... the former king of the Big Island of Hawai‘i and part of Maui. For the first time, ... Hawai‘i
  3. 1815
    Cattle ranching comes to the Big Island of Hawai‘i
    ... known as Kamuela) on the Big Island of Hawai‘i, was founded in 1847. ... Hawai‘i
  4. 1819
    Hawaiian queen lifts kapu, or taboos
    Heiau (temple) at Kealakekua Bay, Hawai‘i, 1782. Engraved by W. Walker based on an illustration by William Ellis. Ellis, an English missionary and naturalist, traveled on the ...
  5. 1820s
    Commercial agriculture and whaling transform Hawai‘i
    ... Hawaiians are displaced. European and American whalers use Hawai‘i as their base and play a major role ...
  6. 1826
    Mosquitoes arrive in Hawai‘i
    ... and American ships carry the first mosquitoes to Hawai‘i, where there are no blood-sucking insects. Although ...